Getting Started

Your shortcut to practical tools, interesting reads and inventive ideas

These tools and information provide an introduction to the SDGs and how they might be applied by academia, civil society, business and governments.

Many more resources can be found by searching by goal or by industry sector, and can help identify where organisations intersect with the SDGs, why the SDGs matter, and the case for acting.

We welcome recommendations of additional resources that fit with our goal to be a repository of credible, useful and relevant resources and a platform for showcasing Australian actions related to the SDGs.

GCNA makes it clear that the website is providing links to resources developed by other organisations and that there is no affiliation between GCNA and the organisations which published these documents.


A down-to-earth introduction to the SDGs, with tips on how all of us can adopt changes that will make a difference.
How 101 of the world’s largest publicly traded companies fare on a set of human rights indicators.  CHRB seeks to stimulate competition between corporates and drive change. (The CHRB project is owned by Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Ltd.)

UN SDG Action Campaign and Awards

- UN – Campaign -
A global campaign designed to acknowledge, showcase and celebrate leadership, innovation and creativity in relation to the SDGs and the sustainable development movement.

The Poverty Footprint

- Assessment Tool -
An assessment tool that helps companies and civil society partners understand their impact on poverty. It promotes greater corporate transparency, meaningful stakeholder engagement, and can be used to develop pro-poor business strategies. This Poverty Footprint was produced by Oxfam in collaboration with the UN Global Compact.


A March 2019 report offering a “straightforward approach, principles, and tips to use in developing a responsible investment policy.”

SDG Measurement and Disclosure by ASX150

- Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA) and RMIT University Research Report -
This research looks at the ASX150’s annual reports for the 2018 reporting period and how they measure and report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Measuring Effectiveness: Roadmap to Assessing System-level and SDG Investing

- The Investment Integration Project – Report -
A roadmap to help investors ensure they are moving beyond generating environmental or social impact through individual market transactions and alignment with broader system-level goals, and are also influencing related system-level change.
PwC argues the commercial case for sustainability. Environmental and social responsibility aren’t just a matter of risk and reputation management, but rather a core driver of how smart, modern companies must develop, offering opportunities to be product, service and market leaders, it says.


Dr Rajiv J Shah, president of The Rockefeller Foundation, asks the question: How to close the gap between the cost of solving the world’s most critical problems – poverty, hunger, disease, inequality, climate change – and the available funds from the world’s philanthropic funds, and the global development and aid budgets of governments.
EY argues that organisations can harness the SDGs to “drive growth, address risk, attract capital and focus on purpose.”
A 36-page Oxfam review of SDG engagement by 76 of the world’s largest companies. It finds that while uptake of the SDGs by companies is high, there is little evidence that the SDGs have changed sustainability strategies with regards to priorities, ambition or transparency. Oxfam suggests how business can more effectively engage. Published September 2018.
Michael Green, part of the team behind the Social Progress Index, speaks at the “We the Future” day, hosted at the TED World Theater. This data-packed talk includes Green’s analysis on the steps each country has (or hasn’t) made on the SDGs, and new ideas on what needs to change.

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