Getting Started

Your shortcut to practical tools, interesting reads and inventive ideas

These tools and information provide an introduction to the SDGs and how they might be applied by academia, civil society, business and governments.

Many more resources can be found by searching by goal or by industry sector, and can help identify where organisations intersect with the SDGs, why the SDGs matter, and the case for acting.

We welcome recommendations of additional resources that fit with our goal to be a repository of credible, useful and relevant resources and a platform for showcasing Australian actions related to the SDGs.

GCNA makes it clear that the website is providing links to resources developed by other organisations and that there is no affiliation between GCNA and the organisations which published these documents.


Corporate Citizenship

- Resources Hub -
A suite of resources and information for companies looking to assess and improve their corporate responsibility performance. The website includes case studies, looks at risks and opportunities arising from social, environmental, economic and other trends, benchmarking, identification of material issues, strategy and stakeholder relations.

SDG Business Hub

- Resource Hub -
An easy-to-use, centralised location to find developments and trends, insights and other resources to assist companies to engage with the SDGs. The site also includes some country-specific reports.
Part of SDG Business Hub, this guide helps translate SDG goals into business action. It argues that business engagement will enable companies to better manage risk, anticipate consumer demand, build positions in growth markets and strengthen supply chains, among other things.
A guide to integrating social values into core business operations and bottom-line decision making from the Initiative for Global Development.


PwC argues the commercial case for sustainability. Environmental and social responsibility aren’t just a matter of risk and reputation management, but rather a core driver of how smart, modern companies must develop, offering opportunities to be product, service and market leaders, it says.
An introduction to the SDGs and the role of business. It explores how the UN Global Compact works with companies to set corporate goals inspired by the SDGs, stimulating innovation, investment, engagement and ultimately performance.

Almost everything you know about impact investing is wrong

- Stanford Social Innovation Review – Article -

Transforming Australia: SDG Progress Report

- National Sustainable Development Council – Report -
Data and evidence on Australia’s progress towards achieving the SDGs, compiled by the National Sustainable Development Council.  


Financing the SDGs with Martin Chrisney – CGD Podcast

- Centre for Global Development - Podcast -
Martin Chrisney, Director of the International Development Assistance Services Institute at KPMG, discusses blended finance and development in this November 2018 podcast with the Center for Global Development. (Approx. 15 minutes)
Michael Green, part of the team behind the Social Progress Index, speaks at the “We the Future” day, hosted at the TED World Theater. This data-packed talk includes Green’s analysis on the steps each country has (or hasn’t) made on the SDGs, and new ideas on what needs to change.

Rethinking Finance for Sustainable Development; Challenges and Progress

- UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - Blog -
Addresses the question of how the world can finance such an ambitious agenda as the one posed by the SDGs.
Dr Rajiv J Shah, president of The Rockefeller Foundation, asks the question: How to close the gap between the cost of solving the world’s most critical problems – poverty, hunger, disease, inequality, climate change – and the available funds from the world’s philanthropic funds, and the global development and aid budgets of governments.

Does your organisation have a resource to include?