AICD’s Governance Diplomacy Program

by Australian Institute of Company Directors



The AICD has an objective to strengthen governance in developing countries in the Asia Pacific region.

Project implemented: January 2018

Project goal

We promote peace, justice and strong institutions through our international education offerings.

delivering on

why is this project important?

Through our governance education, we contribute to Australia’s reputation for stable governance.

Key steps to make it happen

1Identify training need

Consult local partners, regional advisory committees and the broader community to identify key governance training needs.

2Development of content

Work with AICD’s Education Division to develop relevant content for our governance education programs

3Delivery of training

Deliver our governance education programs across the Asia Pacific region

impact to date

Since 2008, we have delivered more than 100 courses
Since 2008, we have provided training to over 2,000 directors worldwide
In 2018 we awarded 9 scholarships through our International Scholarships Program

In Fiji, we delivered the Fiji Foundations of Directorship course, scholarships for female directors and provided advice on the creation of the Pacific Corporate Governance Institute in Suva.

In Papua New Guinea, we delivered the PNG Directors Course, Boardroom Effectiveness for Women Program and partnered with DFAT on the launch of the Pacific Leadership and Governance Precinct in Port Moresby.

In Indonesia, we delivered the International Company Directors Course, International Foundations of Directorship, director briefings on bribery, corruption, corporate fraud and whistleblowing and provided scholarships under the Australia Awards Indonesia Program.

The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 to promote peace, justice and strong institutions. Our vision is to strengthen society through world class governance. For many years, we have worked internationally to strengthen the institutions of governance in our region, especially in countries such as Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. We provide governance training and advice, especially through our Fiji Directors Course, PNG Directors Course and International Company Directors Course delivered in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Shanghai and Fiji.

Our education programs help promote the rule of law (16.3) by determining the essential elements of the international legal environment and examining compliance issues for boards and directors. They also focus on the risk of corruption and bribery (16.5) through our risk module that examines the role of the board in setting risk culture in international contexts. Our programs help develop transparent institutions (16.6) through clarifying director’s roles, functions and responsibilities. They also contribute to responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision making at all levels (16.7) through focused courses such as Boardroom Effectiveness for Women and the International Scholarships Program. We work closely with the public service in the Asia Pacific region, aiming to strengthen the institutions of governance in developing countries (16.8).

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